Who are the active practitioners of Agile Marketing today? Who is having success with Agile Marketing and in what particular areas? The short answer is a lot of people are practicing Agile Marketing, and having a lot of success.

Rohn-Jay Miller has a great page of resources on his blog, Content&Social, that cover both Agile Marketing and Agile Planning. Make sure you scroll all the way down to see the articles he has listed.  Very useful.

Rohn led me to Neil Perkin’s Only Dead Fish, where he has a great set of resources on Agile Planning (applying Agile to all aspects of modern business, not just development and marketing).

Made by Many, an innovative agency out of the UK, blogs on their use of Agile for the creative process. I particularly like Tim Malbon’s presentation “Let’s Kill Landfill Marketing“. I wrote here about how Content Marketing was the answer to Landfill Marketing.

In the video below, Jascha Kaykas-Wolff explains how and why they’re using Agile Marketing at Involver, the social marketing platform.

Another great presentation, in Pecha Kucha format by Jason Cohen of SmartBear Software, describes two of the key features of Agile Marketing borrowed from Agile Development: fast iteration and objective testing. Jason’s explanation of how and why they use a book to generate leads is also insightful.

Kirsten Knipp of HubSpot gave a presentation at Product Camp Austin on Agile Marketing. To my knowledge, there isn’t a video of her presentation, but here are the slides:

Kirsten also wrote a blog post about this presentation on A Random Jog.

John Cass of Pace Communications and Frank Days of Novell blog about Agile Marketing and have a great series of Podcasts interviewing practitioners of agile marketing. What I was struck by, listening to these podcasts, were the different definitions of Agile Marketing implicit in their guests descriptions of what they do: for some, agile means the ability to react quickly to changing marketing conditions, for others it means iteration and testing of marketing campaigns. This isn’t meant as a criticism, but more of an observation that we marketers have less agreement about Agile Marketing than developers have about agile development.

Frank also blogs over at tangy slice, where he has a number of great blog entries on Agile Marketing.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Thanks for your kind comments and the links, Jim. You’ve done an amazing job with this site and the information you present. I believe that Lean + Agile business strategy will be commonplace in 5 years.

  2. Kevin

    Hey, Jim,

    Yeah, I saw this page. It looks like it’s all tech firms and except for a few exceptions smaller, niche companies. I was wondering about the P&Gs, Anheuser-Busch’s, etc. of the marketing world.

    1. Jim Ewel


      I wish I could give you lots of examples, but unfortunately, Agile Marketing is at such an early stage of adoption that I haven’t seen it being adopted at more traditional, Fortune 100 companies. I’ve heard from Rohn Jay Miller that General Mills have adopted some aspects of Agile Marketing, but I don’t have first hand knowledge of what they’re doing.


  3. Giannina Rachetta

    Hi Jim, would you have an update on some other companies that may be using Agile Marketing practices / philosophy nowadays? I am very interested in knowing of other large tech/software companies using Agile Marketing in their organizations and how it is working for them.

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